FAQ - Advanced X Video Converter
G1. How to buy? Is online order secure? Yes, it is 100% secure. For more information about purchase our products, please visit here! G2. How much is the latest version for registered users of the previous version? Any software upgrade is free for registered users. G3. How to register the software after I placed an order? Click here for the step-by-step guide. G4. Are orders processed in real time? Absolutely. You will know whether or not your purchase was accepted less than 10 seconds after you hit the purchase button. You will not need to wait for us to manually process the order for them and will receive the product just seconds after the order is submitted. G5. What is a registration code? A registration code is a tool that software companies use to validate a paid user. If an order is fulfilled by registration code, you will receive a password that allows you to 'unlock' a product's trial version. The trial version is available to download from the manufacturer's web site before you purchase the software. Top T2: Why I cannot see Window Media Video 9 codec in Video Compressor? You need download Windows Media Video9 VCM. T3. When I try to convert AVI to VCD I get MPEG format. Why? The mpeg file is the VCD compliant mpeg file. To make VCD you need a VCD burner. Please see "How to convert to VCD". T4. I cannot convert MPG/MPEG-2 to any other format. Every time I try the program crashes with an error message. Download and install an MPEG-2 Encoder and give it another try. T5. I convert DivX to mpeg2, but it does not preserve the relationship of movie. The DivX Movie has 640x336, all converted videos are totally distorted. The converted file corresponds to the original file. If not, you could custom the size. Click the "Edit Profile" button in the "Convert to MPEG" Window. Set the Width/Height to 640/336. T6. I tried converting some of my windows media videos to VCD format, then I burned the file I converted. now my problem is, the video I burned on the CD cannot play on our player. Did you just copy the video file directly to the CD disc? If so, it can't play on your player. Please see the guide "How to convert to VCD". T7. How can I convert the ASF file to an MPEG in the NTSC format? Top 1) Select the "All to VCD/SVCD" option in the "Task Window". T8: How do I convert video files to DivX format? DivX is a codec of AVI file, you can select "All to AVI" to begin converting. First of all please insure you have installed the Divx Codec. Then select "DivX Codec" from the Video Compression Codec list, press the "Done" button to add the task to the list. T9: Which codec is better when dealing with AVI file? We recommend DivX, not only for its fast speed but also the quality. T10. Could I convert WMV to ASF so that I can stream it with a Windows Media Server? There is no need to convert WMV to ASF. Windows Media Server supports WMV files perfectly. WMV is a more advanced format than ASF, and ASF is a previous version of WMV. T11: I have just tried to encode a XviD file to AVI format, which completed successfully. When it came to viewing it, the audio was out of sync by 2-3 seconds from the clip. Why is this? Unfortunately not all conversions go 100% smoothly and some result in the Audio and Video out of synchronization. This can be due to many reasons with the primary problems being the original movie source and codec clashes. I suggest looking at using an alternative codec. You can try DivX5.11. T12. How can I convert my video file to WMV format in 640*480? You need a 640*480 wmv profile. Please Click here to download it. Add Task > All To WMV/ASF > Check "Custom Profile" > Press the Open button > Select 640x480.prx. T13. I always have trouble converting MOV files. Why? Please download and install the QuickTime Player.
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